Notice of meeting 15th October


                                                                                                                                                                  Clerk – Mrs J. Cooper

                                                                                                                                                                                  Rose Cottage

                                                                                                                                                                              Asserby Corner



                                                                                                                                                                              Lincs LN13 9QR


6th October 2020


The next meeting of the Willoughby Group Parish Council is scheduled for Thursday 15th October 2020 at 8pm   

Prior to the meeting there will be a 15 minutes public session when members of the public may raise matters of concern with members. Please note the following Covid-19 advice:


Agendas and minutes will not be printed and circulated between Councillors, nor will they be circulated to members of the public.  Please print off your own agenda to bring to the meeting and take it away with you afterwards  (

Councillors must observe social distancing and not congregate inside before or after the meeting

One councillor and the Clerk to be responsible for wiping down tables and door handles before and after the meeting.

In accordance with Government Guidance face coverings must be worn whilst in the Village Hall


J. Cooper

Parish Clerk

A g e n d a


  1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies and approve reasons for absence as appropriate
  2. To receive any declarations of interests in agenda items.
  3. To receive the notes of the meeting held 17th September 2020 and approve the Chairman’s signature
  4. To receive and note any updates following that meeting which are not agenda items.
  5. To receive any updates from LCC and ELDC members
  6. To receive any updates on matters relating to the Allotments, and to approve amended policy (attached)
  7. To receive any updates on matters relating to the Playing Fields
  8. Financial –
    1. To agree payment of accounts received
  9. Correspondence – to note any correspondence received.
  10. Planning –
    1. To consider any application received and to note comments made on applications between meetings (listed below)
    2. To note decisions received
  11. To consider any matters for general discussion and items for next agenda
  12. To confirm date of next meeting (15th October 2020)


Planning Applications:


The Sidings, Station Road - N/208/01660/20 – conversion of outbuildings to provide 4 dwellings