Minutes 17th June 2021



17th JUNE 2021


PRESENT: Cllrs Eyre; Hales, Fairfield, Havell, Pridgeon, Talbot-Jones and White

Mrs J. Cooper (Clerk)

2 members of the public.


During the public session the members of the public advised the Council that they were hoping to organise a firework display in November on the village green and wished the Council to consider this request.  It was agreed to discuss this fully at the next council meeting as an agenda item.

Prior to the start of the actual meeting a short reflection period was observed following the death of a local businessman Mr Stuart Fairburn, and the Council wished the family well at this time.


19           APOLOGIES

                Apologies and valid reasons for absence were received and noted from Cllr Aston


                There were none

21           MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 20th MAY 2021

                It was proposed, seconded and resolved that these be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

22           UPDATES

                Minute 13 – The Clerk had request Wicksteed to carry out a safety inspection of the play equipment, lead time some 8 weeks.

                Minute 11 c – Solicitor had been approached and was drafting a letter regarding boundary lines to allotments, which the Clerk, Chair and Vice Chair would approve before sending.

23           UPDATED ELDC/LCC

                There was no LCC member present.

                Cllr Eyre updated briefly on ELDC issues – some staff still working from home; amalgamation with Boston Council was going ahead and potentially South Holland District Council would also join the amalgamation of services.

24           FINANCIAL

                It was proposed, seconded and resolved  that the following accounts for payment be approved for payment via BACS:

                Clerks salary & PAYE (June)                                                         £156.25

                Welton Garden Services (May)                                                  £588.00

25           ALLOTMENTS

                a)  Request by neighbouring owner to purchase access land.

                Members discussed this, having been sent information previously, and it was proposed, seconded and resolved not to agree to the sale of the land forming the access to the allotments.

                b)  As per updates (Minute 22) – Clerk had discussed with local solicitors the sending of letter advising of boundaries to allotment plots, a draft of which would be sent to Chair and Vice Chair prior to sending.

                c)  a request had been received from a Willoughby resident to rent an allotment, Plot 13 was available and it was agreed this be offered.

26           PLAYING FIELDS

                As per updated (Minute 22) Wicksteed been approached to carry out safety check.  The Clerk had contacted the school regarding the fencing, but they had no record of the supplier.  Cllr Talbot Jones felt he had supplier details and would forward these to the Clerk.




                Cllr Fairfield explained the concerns of local Sloothby residents regarding the noise and early morning discharge from bird scarers (gas guns).  A petition had been lodged and it was agreed to write to ELDC expressing the residents concerns and asking that ELDC lodge this complaint should the situation occur again in the future.  Cllr Fairfield to monitor and it was agreed that the landowner needed to be identified.

28           FOREST CHURCH

                The Clerk read out the release from Alford Group of Churches regarding the Forest Church project in St Helena’s grounds.  This initiative was to provide informal family-friendly services in the grounds of the church which would provide opportunity to explore the natural environment of the church grounds. Members were broadly in support of the initiative and felt it would be opportunity for the school children and others to learn and explore the grounds and learn the history of the church and past residents.


                LCC – road closure Sloothby High Lane  - noted

                Viking Linc – advising of large vehicle movements through Alford in June with potential for early morning disruption.

30           PLANNING

                There were no applications or decisions.

31           PUBLIC MEETING

                As restrictions on venue numbers were likely to still be in force at the time of the July meeting, it was agreed to postpone the public meeting until September and hold a short public meeting immediately prior to the September Council meeting.

32           ANY OTHER MATTERS

  • Thanks to Cllr Aston for painting the commemorative village signs
  • Telephone lines in Sloothby still overgrown by trees – Clerk to report again.
  • Potential for replacement of some undergrown BT/broadband cabling in Sloothby

Next Agenda:

Fireworks display


                15th July 2021.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm