Agenda 20th February 25


                                                                                                                                                                  Clerk – Mrs J. Cooper

                                                                                                                                                                                  Rose Cottage

                                                                                                                                                                              Asserby Corner



                                                                                                                                                                              Lincs LN13 9QR



10th February 2025


The next meeting of the Willoughby Group Parish Council will be held on Thursday 20th February 2025 at 8pm   Prior to the meeting there will be a 15 minutes public session when members of the public may raise matters of concern with members.

J. Cooper

Parish Clerk

A g e n d a


  1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies and approve reasons for absence as appropriate
  2. To receive any declarations of interests in agenda items.
  3. To receive the notes of the meeting held 16th January 2025 and approve the Chairman’s signature
  4. To note update on actions taken following that meeting
  5. To consider any applications for co-option to fill vacancy.
  6. To receive any updates from ELDC/LCC members
  7. To receive updates on flooding issues reported and works to Church Lane/Bonthorpe Lane.
  8. To consider supporting St Helena’s school in provision of additional safety fence, extending footpath and provision of additional children signage.
  9. To approve the upgrading of the information board.
  10. Village Matters:
    1. Playing Fields and equipment
    2. Village Green
    3. Allotments
  11. Financial –
    1. To approve any accounts for payment and to pay by BACS/cheque where appropriate
    2. To agree precept requirement for 2025 2026 year
  12. Correspondence
  13. Planning
    1. To note any planning applications received
    2. To note any decision notices
  14. To consider and set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting and any speakers.
  15. Any Other Matters for general discussion and/or inclusion in next agenda.
  16. Date of next meeting  20th March 2025
  17. To agree to move into Closed Session under the Admission of Public Act to consider the following confidential item
  18. Grounds tenders